Good Driving Habits

The Importance of Good Driving Habits

For safe driving, it is always important practice good driving habits. They are learned and have their advantages. People’s opinions differ when it comes down to “correct” driving habits. These examples are what most of the professional driving teachers teach.

These are only a few of the major good driving habits you should always keep in mind. There are many more to learn once you start to get more familiar at driving.

Preparing yourself to drive

  • Fasten your seat belt: One of the most important rules before you begin to drive is to always wear your seat belt. It doesn’t matter if you are just going around the corner. It is to help prevent death or injury if you are involved in a collision. If you have a passenger in the vehicle, remember to check to see if they are properly secured before you start driving.
  • Adjust the driver’s seat: You need to set up the vehicle to your own personal standards. Make sure you can see properly out of your rearview mirror and side mirrors. It is mainly to remove blind spots. Everyone has their own way in adjusting their mirrors.
  • Adjust your head restraint: Adjusting the head restraint is just like the mirrors. Adjust it to your own personal comfort. The top of the head restraint should be parallel to the top of your ears. This is to avoid any neck injury in a collision.

Letting people know what you are going to do

  • Turn signals: During the last 100 feet before your turning point is when you turn on your signal. Always remember to use your signals when changing lanes.
  • Use your turn signal for at least five seconds before pulling away from a curb.
  • At least two seconds before changing lanes.
  • At least three seconds before turning.

How to properly use your mirrors, signals, and brakes in order

  • Look in your mirror before you signal.
  • Look in your mirror before you put your foot on the brake.
  • Signal before you brake.

Continuing to drive legally when others bend the rules

  • Come to a complete stop: Always remember to come to a complete stop when pulling up to a stop sign. No rolling stop signs.
  • Obey speed limit: Try to keep your speed slightly under the maximum speed limit.
  • Do NOT block intersections: Stop at green lights when traffic in front of you is not leaving the intersection. You never want to be in the middle of an intersection because it is very dangerous and is blocking the other cars from moving along.
  • Stop for emergency vehicles unless it is not safe: Whenever you see emergency vehicle with their lights on, you need to pull over. If they come up behind you move out of their way in the safest way possible.

These are some of the general good driving habits you should practice to keep you safer on the road.